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Green Glow with Glee

Green Glow with Glee

Green juice is one of the biggest health and wellness trends of the last decade.

Celebrities, social media influencers, foodies, and wellness bloggers are all drinking — and talking about drinking — green juice.

Green juice enthusiasts purport that this drink offers numerous health benefits, including improved digestion, weight loss, reduced inflammation, and boosted immunity. Given that green juice tends to taste bitter, most recipes add small quantities of fruit — which may or may not be green — to sweeten it and improve its overall palatability. Popular fruit options include apples, berries, kiwi, lemons, oranges, and grapefruit.


Certain people, such as those who’ve had surgery on the stomach or intestines, can benefit from green juice, as it’s easier to digest. This also helps Cancer Patients and Diabetes Patients. For these populations, juicing is a short-term option during recovery. 

Regular green veggie intake may reduce inflammation, as well as support heart and brain health. Fresh juice may also play a role in promoting healthy digestion. Also, specific populations can benefit from juicing in the short term while healing.

Green juices made only with veggies are lower in carbs and unlikely to negatively affect your blood sugar. However, if you prefer your green juice with fruit, the sugars in the fruit will exist but makes the juices much more bearable. 


Although juice cleanses, detoxes, and fasts are a popular trend, relying on green juice — or any other juice — as a sole source of nutrition is never necessary and may harm your health. Green juices, juice cleanses and juice fasts can help kickstart your move into a healthier lifestyle and a great way to incorporate all of your wonderful veggies and fruits. 

Remember to always read labels to check for sugar added ( which we never do), and what chemicals / stabilizers are added into the juice. Most, if not all juices in India besides ours has added sugar.  If you have diabetes or another blood sugar condition, you may also want to limit yourself to those that only contain vegetables which is something we offer in our Diabetes Subscription Model which has been approved by nutritionists and health practitioners. 

Finally, keep in mind that you can’t depend on juice to meet all of your body’s nutrition needs.

Green juice helps you get more nutrients in your diet, it’s safe and healthy in moderation. This beverage is a rich source of numerous nutrients and plant compounds that support heart health, digestion, and immunity. Still, it’s lacking in fiber and may contribute to poor blood sugar control or kidney issues if consumed in excess.

If you drink green juice, be sure to have a lot of intake and include it as part of a balanced diet. 

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