Best Home Workouts to Burn Extra Calories

Best Home Workouts to Burn Extra Calories

If the thought of exercising at home makes you feel demotivated, think again! When done right, using just your body weight can give you a lot of bang for your buck.

So, whether exercise isn't your thing or you're short on time, clear out the room and get ready to clean it up. The bodyweight moves we've outlined below can be overwhelming for beginners, intermediates and advanced exercisers, so start where you feel you're ready and progress from there.


For Beginners

Our 10 picks for beginner exercises will provide the perfect workout. Do 2 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise, with 30 to 10 minutes of rest between each movement.

This circuit should take about 15-20 minutes.

Knee Push ups

A beginner-style move, this move will help you build momentum before attempting to push the flag.


  1. Get into a high position from your knees.
  2. Keeping a straight line from head to knees, bend your elbows to lower yourself to the floor. Keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle.
  3. Click to start.

The Bridge Workout

Use a bridge to work your core and back (a nice word for your back). This is a good exercise to do as a warm-up.


  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms straight at your sides.
  2. Bending your legs and strengthening your core, lift your toes off the floor until your hips are fully extended, squeezing your glutes upwards.
  3. Slowly return to the start and repeat.

chair squats

Squat to strengthen your legs and core, making everyday movements easier. Starting with the seat below will help you learn good form. Instructions:

  1. Stand in front of a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward.
  2. Bending at the waist and bending your knees, lower back and down until your bones touch the seat, allowing your arms to spread out in front of you.
  3. Push through your heels and return to the starting position.

    Bodyweight Lunges


      Hit your quads, hamstrings and glutes with a straight lunge.


      1. Split your stance with your right leg in front. Your right foot should be flat on the ground, and your left foot should be up on its toes.
      2. Bend your knees and inhale, stopping when your right thigh is on the floor.
      3. Step up with your right leg to return to the starting position. Repeat for the required number of reps, then switch legs.

      Down dog plank

      This move will test your upper body, especially your shoulders. Who said you need weights for shoulder exercises?


      1. Get into a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet close together.
      2. Keeping your head and arms and legs straight, lift your hips and return to downward dog position. Your body should form a triangle with the bottom. Keep your voice neutral. Your eyes should be facing your feet.
      3. Hold this position for one minute, return to the plank. Repeat.

      Donkey Kick

      Work those glutes with a butt kick.


      1. Stand on all fours with your hands on your shoulders and your knees on your hips.
      2. Hold your right back, turn your right leg to the outside wall behind you while you keep your right leg.
      3. Your legs will be sharp (footing toes) all around. Be careful to keep your hips flat on the floor. Keep your head up.
      4. Return to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Repeat with the other leg.

      bird dog

      A full body movement that requires balance and stability, Bird Dog is easy to adapt to your level. Start with this model if you are a beginner.


      1. Go all four, keeps sure your hand falls on your shoulder and your knees are under your hips.
      2. Keeping your neck neutral, extend your left arm and right leg at the same time, keeping your hips aligned with the floor. Pause here for 2 seconds.
      3. Back to the start of the start. Repeat your right hand on your left foot.

      Knee plank


      A complete exercise that requires strength and balance, planks put the core into overdrive.


      1. Take a plank position in front of your hands. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe.
      2. Make sure that your back and hips do not sag. Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

      Bicycle Crunches

      While you use almost all of these strength exercises to work your core, targeted abdominal exercises don't hurt.


      1. Lie on your back and bring your legs into table position. Bend your knees and place your hands behind your head.
      2. Crunch and bring your right knee to your left knee, extending your right leg.
      3. Leave a little bit. Bend your right leg and straighten your left leg, then bring your left knee to your right knee.
      4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

      For Intermediate

      If you've mastered the basics, you're ready to do these intermediate moves.

      Do 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions of the exercise below, then continue to the next one after 1 minute.

      Another, more advanced method is to reschedule. For example, do 1 minute of each exercise and repeat the circuit twice.

      Challenge yourself to only achieve 1 or 2 repetitions each time you complete this process.

      One Leg Bridge

      Every time you do a single leg exercise, you are instantly making it stronger. Here, follow the steps of a bridge, but lift one foot off the ground while keeping the leg bent for an intermediate challenge.

      Perform the same number of repetitions on each side.

      Body weight Squat

      Getting out of the chair allows you to master the form of a regular bodyweight squat.

      The same motion is still applicable here, however. Imagine that you are sitting in a chair leaning at the waist and arching your back.

      Push up


      The standard pushup is the most difficult of the knee extensions. Take a high plank position and complete a pushup in the same direction, allowing your elbows to extend to a 45-degree angle.

      Walking Lunges

      By walking instead of sitting in a lunge, you'll add an element of stability, movement, and balance. Start on your legs and continues, goes up to your right leg. Hold it on it.

      Pike Pushups

      Adding a pump to your pike will focus on those shoulders even more. The movement here is all in the arms, so keep the rest of your body steady. As you play, take a pike position by bending your knees - letting them come out to the side - directing the top of your head towards the floor.


      For Advanced

      When the core system becomes a breeze, try these advanced moves.

      Overhead Squats

      Stretching your arms overhead will challenge your arms and upper body range of motion, while giving your lower body the benefit of a squat.

      To exercise, do a squat with your arms extended above your head.

      One leg push ups

      Lifting one leg will put more weight on your other three legs, creating a challenge. To do this, take a standing position and lift one leg off the floor, then complete the exercise.

      Lunge Jump

      Jumping exercises - commonly called plyometrics - require you to exert your maximum effort for a short period of time. Because of the strength and power they need, you will see the light bulb quickly.

      Add jumps to your lungs, really exploding on every rep, to challenge yourself.

      Pike Push ups Elevated

      Lifting your legs up into a pike pushup will make this style more difficult.

      Place your feet on a raised surface, such as a chair or stairs, and do a pike lift. The higher up, the stronger it will be.

      The bottom line

      Weight training will make your home gym a challenge, regardless of your fitness level. Always remember that only exercise will not be enough to reach your fitness level you need to consume nutrient-rich foods and avoid unhealthy junk foods.

      Instead of going for very strict diet I would recommend you to go sustainable diet which has all the nutrients.

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